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(1 edit)

Update: SD Version now!


Fixed: URL Patreon and Skill avoid.

I wanted to inform you that in the PC version, when choosing Kent as the first piriguete, the game gets stuck on the loading screen after the dialogue

Hey! I just downloaded and tested it here... Everything is fine! Try restarting the game and choosing again. I believe it must be something related to performance.

Use the SD version to get more performance in the game and avoid bugs.

(2 edits)

I’ve been playing this game since day 1. I liked it a lot, at first i thought it was just a Br joke, kkk,  but now i always come back here to see if it was updated. Nice job.

As the game doesnt  save to  file, like others in-browser games, i find a way to  save by copying the localforage data and re-inserting it,  but after the "light update" the game started to corrupt the saves and im no longer able to save game state. it is returning the error: "this._Community_Lighting_Tint_Value.clone is not a function". Could you please take a look at this? Thanks for you time makiing this game

Hey! I'm glad you've been following along from the beginning!

However, old saves (before 0.45) will give an error in future updates... They already reported an error to me when trying to capture Tirra in the game, the reason was because I changed some things that made the save unfeasible... so I would have to start the game again to solve it... This error is new to me. I've never seen it... Do you remember which version you started playing with this save? If it's the first one (the very old one! before version 0.45) you'll need to start a new game... Is it the browser version? Try the download version, it usually doesn't give errors. In the next updates, I will only leave the download version. Her save is in the folder with the same name: 'save' right when you make a first save manually in the game. Forgive the frustration of the error, but I'm trying my best here.

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Finally, I found a solution!

Is your version of the game Smartphone? Using the AOPAOP app you can deactivate the Community_Lighting_MZ plugin, if it is another version, try renaming this file in the ..Pirokaon\js\plugins folder

Open the game without the lighting effect, change the scene, save and return/renam the plugin as it was.

But if the save is a very old version, when trying to capture Tirra it will give another error. That's why anyone who downloaded the first version available here, 0.44 or 0.45, needs to play from the beginning, a new game.

the blonde girl is reeeeealy beautiful


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Kkkkkkkkk se fude cara olha isso kk, super apoio isso aqui mano quero ver isso com 151 que nem a fonte original 

Edit:música tbm é top kk

Obrigado! Fico feliz em receber seu feedback!

For more info:

Now available:

Use the AOPAOP app to play, for example, or a similar app.

(3 edits)

I absolutely love this game.

Glad to have found this game PiroKaoN . I don't know why I didn't even think to look here! Can't wait to see what else you bring to this game 🙂

 The stories are really awesome and I absolutely love the work that went into the animations. I can't wait to read, play and experience more! Great work!

Honestly, this is one of the best games I have found on this site! I enjoyed the content of  and I'm looking forward to how the story around

  Great game to play :).

Pros: Renders 

Great Animations
Great Sex Scenes

So many good-looking 

Character Models Character 

Customization Good Story 

Writing Good pacing

 So much content 

Good Character development 

Every girl has their own personality 

Thankyou for all the hard work in making it


 sorry if my english is not good 🙁


Wow! Waking up and reading a message like this... Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!

The game is in development and has a lot of work to do! I loved reading feedback like this.

I've been enjoying this game. One question though where do you put the girls in your party if you want to get new ones?

Great! Thank you, I'm glad you liked it!

They accumulate in the Team tab of the menu!

hi I only have 6questions does anyone know

1>)so i was wondering will pregnant and gives birth" be added within the next update?

2>) Just wondering where save files for games are generally stored. OS:Windows

3>)Can you add more  Settings ( low  , medum , hgh ultra  ) this game.)
4.)run on Intel Core i5? , AMD Ryzen 3?

5.)so i was wondering will pregnant and gives birth" be added within the next update?

6.)would you like to create your own discord server where people can discuss your games/ideas?

(1 edit)

Hey! Thank you for being interested in finding out more about the game!

1. Yes, there may be in the future! But for now unavailable, the game is in development.

2. In the 'save' folder where 'Game.exe' is located.

3. I noticed that some people are having performance problems, I'm removing some plugins and reducing file sizes to improve. Can I know why the option is interesting?

4. This specification on the system configuration was consulted on the official RPG Maker website. However, I added Plugins that can reduce performance, one of which I am updating is the scenery lighting system and day and night system (removed for now).

5. Same question as 1? Haha yes I can add! I want to add all kinds of naughtiness possible to the game, trying to please all tastes is difficult, but I look for diversity in the girls and the possibilities. I'll ask on Patreon how you prefer throughout the game's production.

6. As the game has just been released, I haven't had time to create everything yet, besides my normal work, I have to make time to work on the game too! But I will update little by little as soon as possible. I ask you to be patient, as I am doing everything alone!

Please add downloadable versions, they always run better.


i tele to the inn and now im stuck

Could you describe precisely how you did this?

In this case, it is better to load a manual save. I will add an option within the INN to return to Paulette, the starting city.

Done. Now we can teleport to the game's starting city inside the INN, simply interact with the wooden globe and answer Yes.

Why making it on browser instead of download game?

In the browser version, I can update faster. You won't need to download and unzip again... But I will make other versions available in the future. Do you think it's better to download and play via the executable? Can I Know the reason?

Downloaded games always run smoother and are less likely to lag. I can play without needing an internet connection and save my progress locally without relying on browser data or connectivity. Also, I can keep my favorite games in my collection folder, a downloaded version is always better for me. Why don't you make two versions: a downloadable version and a browser version?


I will provide the download version!

Keep getting this error popup on xxx scenes 

AbortError: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause(). then a link

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This error usually occurs due to the internet connection, which was not fast enough to load the video before it appeared.

To avoid this, save the game manually before accessing the XXX part of the game. When the error occurs, refresh the page again.

The final version of the game will not be run by the browser, so this type of error will not happen! Ty for feedback!

Adding 1 more second to load XXX scenes and avoid this error in the next update.

Answer our survey on Patreon to improve the game!

The dark type is kinda useless, and the fairy has no counterplay. Also they only interact between them. You should review this

(1 edit)

Thanks for the feedback!

In the next update, the Dark type will have a Blind debuff on enemies!

As for interaction, for now I'm doing the basics of the game, but there will be a lot more details! XXX scenes and scenarios unlocked through the locked doors!

This game is great, and it’s nice to see that you’re doing updates.


  1. The music on the title screen is fantastic. I stick around on the title screen just to hear that music. On the other hand, the music in battle is pretty bad.

  2. I’m only getting around 12 FPS when walking around. That’s not normal for an RPG Maker game; it isn’t calculation-intensive. It’s not that big of a deal - I still play and enjoy - but it should be fixable.

  3. I would like to be able to capture the other starters in the wild somewhere. I’ll understand if it’s a design decision, but I’m not going to duplicate my efforts across 3 save files just to see the others’ scenes (I chose Akua).

  4. Ema is weak. Looking at her stats, it’s clear she’s supposed to be a magic glass cannon, but her damage output isn’t very good, so it might be scaling off physical. My team is all lv16-17.


  1. If you throw a pirokaball and it fails due to the enemy being uncatchable, like during a trainer battle, not only you don’t lose the ball, but you get an extra ball. You can farm this to get as many balls as you like.

  2. After capturing the new piriguete Tirra in the new area, when I’m asked to give her a nickname, the game throws a repeating error: “Failed to load img/faces/Actor2.png”. This soft-locks the game, so I can’t actually use her.

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Thanks for the feedback!

1. I changed the battle music now, the previous one was boring!

2. I changed the game resolution from 1080p to 720p and performance improved! Wait for Next version in 720p and Lightning effects OFF (edit).

3. I'll keep it that way for now.

4. Really, Emma is weaker because she has less life at the beginning. However, in the future it will cause a lot of damage!

Bug1: Fixed! Thanks for reporting!

Bug2: Unfortunately, to avoid this error, you would have to start the game from the beginning... Because the first version had code very different from the current one... that's why it gave the error 'img/faces/Actor2.png'

Deleted 10 days ago


I so far haven't found any. But I am curious how far this goes? I beat the king guy but don't know how to get past that place.

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Yes, there is more content. Accessing the castle's basement. TY!

Awesome. I will let you know if I come across any bugs.

Thank you! <3

I have zero bugs to report. So far this game runs perfectly.